Kate Kelly Alexander Technique in Central London W1

Alexander technique every day. Snoopy on kennel

About the Alexander technique

If recurring patterns of stress, back or neck strain stop you enjoying your life the technique can help. In 2008 the British Medical Journal published findings that showed the long term benefits of a course of Alexander lessons for patients with chronic low back pain.

When facing an audience, congregation or meeting if your voice usually lets you down you can learn the technique to improve confidence, poise and the effectiveness of your message. I have successfully coached leaders in national organisations, nervous wedding speech makers as well as teachers, actors and other performers.

Unknowingly you may over time have shrunk into yourself. You will find that that the Alexander technique allows you to stand tall again taking up your space in the world. John Cleese is reported to have said that "It made me feel like a Duchess". The artist Lucinda Seiger after experiencing herself at her full height in a lesson said to me “It feels like you are training me to be an astronaut”.

People may have differing reasons for coming for lessons but many relate unexpected side benefits including an increased calm and happiness.

After completing her course of lessons Felicity, a reading mentor, told me "I have come away from every session feeling renewed. I feel I have been set off on a journey (with a map!)"

Another client Marcus had such a painful condition that he used a combination of powerful painkillers to get through the day but couldn't play sport. After regular lessons over a 6 month period he no longer took medication and could report back 10 years later that " I lead an active life, playing sport and going to the gym regularly. I can highly recommend Kate to anyone who has a physical problem caused by bad posture. I still don't know how she does it but I'm so glad she can. She changed my life."

Although this is a wonderful endorsement and result, as an Alexander teacher I'd like to be clear that I don't aim to treat or cure but to teach you a self help method (proven over 100 years) to look after yourself and prevent the undue stress and tension that is causing the difficulties... for not only 10 years but for a lifetime!

Claire, a Librarian, has also discovered that she needs to keep the technique in mind in daily life. Having developed painful RSI and ignored it she finally had lessons with me. She found " Learning the technique has given me more awareness of how I am using my body. It's easy to get so fascinated by your computer that you don't notice how you are sitting or even that you are experiencing discomfort. At the first sign of pain I stop, go for a walk, have a cup of tea, lie on the floor of my office for 10 minutes. It isn't a miracle cure, more of a training in how to look after your body."

Whatever your reason for taking lessons I will be delighted to work with you to find the best way you can approach movement and reaction without causing unnecessary muscle tension.
In a session you do not need to wear any special clothes and no physical endurance is involved!

After a first lesson you decide if you wish to continue. We then discuss the number of lessons you will need in order to learn the technique to apply it to every day life.

I look forward to meeting you

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